Meta Mapa 2007 (In collaboration with Andrew Blackstock and Casey McGuire) Pilsen, Czech Republic

While working in Pilsen we asked residents of the city to draw maps on our hands that details the routes to various points of interest in the city. For example, one hand-drawn map depicted the route from a coffee house to the cathedral in the city center. We then photographer and converted those informal and highly specific maps into folded paper maps that resembled a typical tourist map of the city. Finally, with new maps in hand, we returned to the city where we asked passers-by to help orient us. |
Meta Mapa: Bronx 2008, Bronx River Art Center

After completing Meta Mapa in the Czech Republic, I revisited the project for Surprisingly Natural whereby I asked residents from the West Farms neighborhood of the Bronx to draw maps to nearby green areas. My favorite was from a teenager, who drew a map to a hidden chicken coop and garden in what amounted to a median strip of land. |
Installation at AIGA Philadelphia