A list of books that have contributed to my
understanding, with the understanding that it could be different on the next blue moon.
Homer: The Iliad (850 B.C.)
Herodotus: Histories (480-425 B.C.)
Plato: Dialogues (427-348 B.C.)
Aeschylus: Oresteia (459 B.C.)
Sophocles: Oedipus (496-406 B.C.)
Lycophron: Alexandra. (285-247 B.C.)
Vergil: Aeneid (19 B.C.)
The Bible.
Petronius: The Satyricon (66)
Damascius the Diadoque: The First Principles. (533?)
The I Ching
Confucius and Mencius: The Four books
Lao-tse: Tao te Ching.
Li-Po: The Poetry and career of Li Po (1950 - Arthur Waley, trans.)
Murasaki Shikibu: Tale of Genji (1015?)
Sei Shonogon: Pillow book of Sei Shonagon (1967 - Ivan Morris)
Dante: Divina commedia (1321)
Villon: Le Petit et Le Grand Testament. (1456 & 1461)
Rabelais: The Five Books (1532-1564).
Montaigne: Essays (1580).
Cervantes: Don Quixote (1605)
Shakespeare: Complete works (1590-1612)
Burton: Anatomy of melancholy (1621)
Molière: Théatre (1661-1673).
Pascal: Pensèes (1670 & 1844)
DeFoe: Robinson Crusoe (1719-20)
Swift: Gulliver's Travels (1726)
Richardson: Pamela, or virtue rewarded (1740-42)
Fielding: Tom Jones, a foundling (1749)
Rousseau: Confessions (1775-76).
Kant: Critique of pure reason (1781)
____: Critique of practical reason (1788)
Blake: Songs of Innocence and Experience (1789-94)
Hegel: The Phenomenology of the spirit (1807)
Fourier: Théorie des quatre mouvements (1808)
Equiano: The Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789)
Goethe: Faust (1808)
______: Conversations (1836)
Poe: Complete works (1809-1849)
Stendhal: Le Rouge et le noir (1830)
________: La Chartreuse de Parme (1839)
Gogol: Dead souls (1842)
Whitman: Leaves of grass (1855)
Baudelaire: Les Fleurs de mal (1857).
Dostoyevsky: The Idiot (1868)
____________: The Brothers Karamazov (1880)
Carroll: Alice's adventures in Wonderland (1865)
Marx: Capital (1867)
Lautrèmont: Les Chants de maldoror (1868).
Flaubert: L'Education sentimentale (1869).
Flaubert: Bouvard et Pècuchet (1881).
Rimbaud: Une Saison en enfer. (1873)
Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra (1883-92)
Mallarmè: Oeuvres complètes. (1893)
Wilde: The Importance of being Earnest (1895)
Valèry: Monsieur Teste (1896)
Jarry: Oeuvres complètes. (1900)
Freud: Interpretation of dreams (1900)
Cavafy: Poems (1904)
H. James: Notebooks.
Grahame: The Wind in the willows (1908)
G. Stein: Three lives (1909)
_______: The Making of Americans (1911)
R. Roussel: Impressions d'Afrique (1910).
Proust: A la recherche du temps perdu (1913-27).
Vaihinger: The Philosophy of 'As if" (1924)
Herriman: Krazy Kat (1913-44)
Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby (1925)
Joyce: Ulysses (1921)
_____: Finnegans wake (1939)
Hemingway: The Sun also rises (1926)
Cather: My mortal enemy (1926)
Suzuki: Essays in Zen Buddhism (1927)
Breton: Nadja (1928)
Musil: Man without qualities (1930-42)
Celine: Voyage au bout de la nuit (1932)
______: Mort à credit (1936)
H. Green: Party Going (1939)
Chandler: The Big sleep (1939)
Garcia Lorca: Poeta en Nueva York (1940)
M. Moore: Collected poems (1951)
Adorno: Minima moralia (1951)
Tutuola: The Palm-wine drinkard (1952)
O'Connor: Wise blood (1952)
Queneau: La dimanche de la vie (1952)
W. Stevens: The Necessary angel (1951)
_________ : Collected poems (1954)
Beckett: Watt (1953)
Mann: Bekenntnisse des hochstaplers Felix Krull (1954)
Nabokov: Lolita (1955)
Achebe: Things fall apart (1958)
Southern: The Magic Christian (1960)
Cabrera Infante: Tres tristes tigres (1965)
Capote: In cold blood (1966)
Stoppard: Travesties (1975)
Portis: The Dog of the South (1979)
Von Rezzori: Memoirs of an anti-semite (1981)
R.F. Thompson: The Flash of the spirit (1983)
Chatwin: The Songlines (1987)
Arenas: Before night falls (1993)