UMBRELLAvol.20 no.1


Artlink, the Australian Contemporary Art Quarterly, Vol. 16, nos. 2 & 3, Winter 1996 is dedicated to Arts in the Electronic Lndscape and has a CD-Rom entitled Sequinz, a survey of electronic art from Australia, includes an essay by Simon Penny on "Negotiating Artistic Practice in Late Capitalist Techno-Culture", an article: Is there Art on the Web? by Mitchell Whitelow, the Artist's Interface by Mike Leggett, Roy Ascott's article: The Planetary Collegium: art and education in the post-biological era, and so much more about sound art, holograms, and installations. If you institution wants to know what's happening Down Under, this is the journal and this issue especially lends itself to interactivity. Write to Artlink, 363 Esplanade, Henley Beach, South Australia 5022.

Small Press Review for December 1996 includes a Guest Editorial by Richard Kostelanetz about the Post Office; has a review of Visual Poetry in the USA, published in Berlin and edited by Hartmut Andryzczuk; a review by Bob Grumman of Taproot Reviews 9/10. Small Press Review, P.O. Box 100, Paradise, CA 95967.

afterimage for November/December includes a great article on Manifest Data: The Image in the Age of Electronic Reproduction by Geoffrey Batchen; a selection of printed work on Video, and much more.

Image and Text really work in the New York Times Magazine's The Next Hundred Years for September 29, 1996.

New Yorker for Nov. 25, 1996 has an article on Duchamp and New York by Calvin Tomkins.

Inter Art Actuel out of Quebec #66 includes discussions between Monia Monger and Monty Cantsin during his residency at the Rivington School; Felipe

Ehrenberg writes about Marcos Kurtycz, who was born in Poland in 1934 and died in March 1996 of lung cancer. Kurtycz arrived in Mexico in 1968, here he published books, posters, and participated in international festivals of performance; tributes to Alain Gibertie (1950-1996) are made, as well as reports on performance art.

Art Papers 20 is dedicated to "Redefining the Nineties" with an interview with Hal Foster, Gregory Crewdson, Thomas McEvilley, Hans Fallada Grabow, Geoff Weston & Artur Lindsay, and Ronald Jones, as well as a Brief History of Art involving DNA by George Gessert, as well as Artist's Pages, a special section on the cultural component of the Olympic Games, and much more, as usual. Art Papers, P.O. Box 77348, Atlanta, GA 30357 or on your local newsstand.

art journal (Winter 1996) guest edited by Flavia Rando and Jonathan Weinberg is entitled "We're Here: Gay and Lesbian Presence in Art". Some of the contributors are James Smalls, Erica Rand, Joanna Clayton, Christopher Reed, Laura Cottingham, Harmony Hammond, and Robert Atkins. There are many reviews on Cezanne, Whistler, among others. Available from College Art Association, 275 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001.

Interview for December 1996 features Jibby Beane, the eccentric British art headhunter, whose wild tastes and soirees have become the talk of London. She and her friend Jonathan Goslan did 20 exhibitions in 30 months. Now she reps Hadrian Pigott, Jane Simson, Tony Kaye, and Marcus Coates. She also has Jibby's Art Club, a bar-cum-performance-art center in Soho, London, that opened its doors every Sunday. Now she will open The Car Park, which will include gallery and incorporate Jibby's Art Club, the Beane Cafe, and an artworks/merchandise store. Opening is set for November 1997, where she will project huge computer-generated artworks onto the scaffolding.

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