Yearly Festivals

Roman Holidays-Shan Ellentuck
New York 2004

Books2Eat 2004

The Fifth International Edible Book Festival

Send the website address of Books2Eat to book artists and cooks:
April fool's day event comes back with taste every year!

Please keep us informed of your event and links

The Fifth International Edible Book Festival occured throughout the world from April 1 to April 5.

Those edible works of art have something to do with books and are exhibited and consumed. Each participating group or individual is responsible for its/his/her own audience and website. Visit each participants websites to see what was eaten.

Please send two copies of menus and copies of photographs to Umbrella, P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408.

For information, edification and moral support, contact Books2Eat or umbrella@ix.netcom.com

A Geocities photo album includes past festivals, check also our gallery page for a selection of tasty morsels.

The Artist's Handbook
Lawrence Christian
New Hampshire 2004

Finnegan's Cake
Thame, England 2004

Rosetta Stone - J.Chipperfield
Noosa, Australia 2004

In Response
Marthimus S. Erasmus
New York 2004

Book of Ours
Mika & Sarah Waller
Los Angeles 2004

The Spirit of the Celts
Maki Takahashi
New York 2004

Apple Blueberry Papyrus
"When Translators Go Bad"...Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
Charlotte Criste
Wilmington , Delaware 2004

Waters Edge
Georges Masraff
New York 2004

Le Monde
Thierry Mihoub- Paris, France 2004

Suzie Bohm- Germany 2004

Tales of two cookies: the smart and the tough
Béatrice Coron- New York, 2004

Ulysses by Pam
Thame, England 2004

Clear and Present Danger
Barbara Zober
Shaker Heights,.Ohio 2004

Green Eggs and Ham on Toast
Karen Vance Chicago 2004

After the Greenhouse Effect
Roz Helfand - Los Angeles, California 2004

Whiz Comic
Benjamin James-Wilmington, Delaware 2004

See Food
Jane Cullina Brunswick, Maine 2004

The Invisible Flan by the Crouch Collective
Thame, England 2004

Salty Tales of the Sea
Kristen Rorke New York, 2004






Participants of the 5th Festival
Thursday, April 1st, 2004

Australia - Brazil - Canada - England - France - Japan - Germany - Italy - Ireland - Japan - Luxembourg - The Netherlands - New Zealand - Russia - U.S.A: Arizona, California, Colorado , Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland/Washington D.C. , Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming

Noosa Regional Gallery: Tewantin, Queensland- See Pictures -
Books2Eat - Australia will take place at Noosa Regional Gallery, Pelican Street, Tewantin, Queensland on April 1st at 2pm. Everyone/Anyone is welcome to attend, but all attending must bring an edible book. There will be no non participating spectators, although at some stage we may have to rope in a few stray tourists and gallery staff to help consume the exhibits. Provide your own floor show, drinks, and ride home, but don't miss the fun.
Contact Judy Barrass

"De comida, diversão e arte!" website:http://www.books2eatbrazil.cjb.net
Rua Boa Esperança,320 apt 701, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Lucia: heylucia@yahoo.com or Luciana Lusbl@hotmail

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2x4 group , Toronto
Held on April 11th, from 2pm onwards, books to be eaten at 4pm
Location: this ain't the rosedale library's gallery space. 483 Church street
Contact: James Spyker

Eastern Edge Gallery in St. John's, Newfoundland.- See Pictures of previous years -
Contact: Tara Bryan

Thame, Oxfordshire,- See Pictures-
March 28th , "Sparks" presents: "books2eat alphabet"
Contact Heather Hunter

France version française
Journal Le Monde, Paris, France
Gateau gourmand réalisé par Thierry Mihoub, cuisinier au journal
Le Monde, dévoré goulument par l'équipe du journal le 29 mars 2004
Contact: Isabelle

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Museum der Arbeit , Hamburg- See Pictures-
Contact: Juergen Boenig

Dublin- An Chomhairle Leabharlanna | The Library Council
Contact: Alun Bevan

The Book Arts class "Libro d'Artista" at Scuola Internazionale di Grafica di Venezia, Venice
Friday, 2 April 3:30 - 6:30PM
The event is free, and open to anyone interested.
From 3:30 to 5:00 the books will be available for viewing and any/all performance books will be presented. From 5:00 to 6:30 the books will be consumed.
Cannaregio 1798 , 30121 Venezia Tel +39 041 721 950
Near the San Marcuola vaporetto stop, 10 minutes from the train station.
Venerdi 2 Aprile dal 15,30 al 18,30
Il corso di Libro d'Arista alla Scuola Internazionale di Grafica di Venezia vi invita a un té con libri commestibili creati da artisti e studenti italiani e internazionali. Tutti saranno benvenuti a partecipare e ad assaggiare i libri.
Con demande: Carrie Galbraith or fellow@scuolagrafica.it

Yokohama edible kirie collection
Contact: Masaaki Tatsumi

Pabeierscheier um Schlass zu Burglenster, Burglenster- See Pictures of previous years-

Contact:Edy Willem

New Zealand
With Visual Tart

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The Netherlands
Easterlittens: Atelier It Plein 19 Oosterlittens/Rotterdam- See Pictures of previous years-

see review from Jalouse Moscow

Arizona State University at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, AZ
Contact: Dan Mayer

Tucson, Paperworks- See Pictures-


Linnaea's Café, San Luis Obispo- See Pictures-
Contact Catherine J. Trujillo, Robert E. Kennedy Library Special Collections Department Tel: (805) 756-2305

San Diego Book Arts at UCSD See Pictures
Our Annual Edible Book Tea takes place on April 4 at 2 p.m. in the Seuss Room of the Geisel Library on the UCSD campus in La Jolla, Calif. The public is invited FREE OF CHARGE to view artist-created edible works.
This year’s Edible Book event is co-sponsored by San Diego Book Arts and Mandeville Special Collections Library at UCSD. Artists interested in creating an edible masterpiece should contact at . All work must be completely edible and must relate to some aspect of the “book.” Please deliver your work by 1:30 p.m. and include two copies of the ingredients and recipe.
The “books” will be displayed until 3 p.m. when they will be cut and consumed.
In conjunction with the exhibition and eating of the edible books, a raffle of artist-donated art books will take place. Also following the Tea, the public is invited to a lecture by the distinguished artist, Ian Tyson, whose work will be on view at the Special Collections Library.
Contact: Gerry McAllister For reservations, please call Melanie Trecco at (858) 534-2533 by March 29th.

Weingart Center for the Arts, Los Angeles- See Pictures-
Contact: Judith A. Hoffberg

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (see website) See pictures at www.bookartsleague.org
1750 13th Street Boulder Co 80302
Saturday, April 3, 4-6 p.m.
Create a book structure entirely from edible materials. Display your creation, then pour a cup of tea and join other artists and the public in consuming the show.
4-5 p.m. Sip tea and view edible creations
5-6p.m. Consume them!
Donation: $5 at the door, $3 for BMOCA members,participating artists pay only entry fees. Please visit All proceeds will go to support the Book Arts League, a non-profit organization dedicated to book arts and letterpress printing.
Contact: Julia Seko

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Goldey-Beacom College , Hirons Library, Wilmington (see pictures)
4701 Limestone Road,
Contact: Charlotte Criste

Red Wagon bookworks, Lake Worth, Florida( just south of West Palm Beach, Florida, and we'll gladly supply directions.)
our website: http://www.redwagonbookworks.com
Contact: John Cutrone

The Southeast Chapter of the Guild of BookWorkers, Atlanta, Georgia
Saturday, April 3, in the Student Lounge 4th floor of the Atlanta College of Art Building at 1280 Peachtree Street, NE Free admission
From 12 - 2, the edible books will be set up for viewing.
From 2 - 4 p.m., you sip High/Low Tea while viewing the edible exhibit. At 4 p.m., after documenting the work, we eat it too! A
Contact: Ann Frellsen 404-727-0307 (daytime)

Columbia College Chicago Center for Book & Paper Arts - Chicago- Illinois
Thursday, April 1st, 2004, 6 to 8pm -See pictures-
The Columbia College Library, 3rd Floor 624 South Michigan Chicago, IL 60605
For this Tea, all Works of Art will be Edible and Booklike(and hopefully Tasteful in every sense of the word.)
Among the non-edible (but still delectable) volumes of the Columbia College Library we will sip tea, admire and document our tasty tomes;and then we will feast upon them.Please do join us!
If you make a Book, you may attend free, but you must RSVP by Friday, March 26th, 5pm. We1ll need the title of your piece, your name, and an ingredients list.
Unsure of your culinary or odd binding talents? RSVP to Eat Books Only, for a mere ten dollars. Proceeds will benefit our bindery equipment fund.
RSVP to MAKE a BOOK: or call Melissa Jay Craig at 312-344-6635
RSVP to EAT BOOKS only: or call Michelle Ferguson at 312-344-7384,

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Eastern Maine Community College, Bangor -See pictures-
April 14, 2004 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Rangley Hall, Sylvan Rd., Bangor
For more information consult website
Contact Deb Perro, 207-941-4601, dperro@emtc.org, or Sue Jagels,207-973-8227

The Book Arts Class at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine- See pictures-
Thursday, April 1st, 2004, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. For this Event, all Works of Art will be Edible and Book like. We invite you to join us for coffee or tea from 9:30 - 11:00 as we photograph and document our edible volumes; and at 11:00 we will dine on them. Please do join us! Choose one or more of the following:
-Bring an edible Book with you for inclusion in the exhibit
-Make a book at the event ($8.50 for a guest meal ticket)
-Come to see the delicious titles that have been created.
Unsure of your culinary skills or binding skills? Students will be available to help you from 9:30-10:30 that morning.
For directions, or questions, or to RSVP Write to Rebecca Goodale

Indian Springs Recreation Building - See Pictures-
Contact: Koralleen Stavish

Booklover's Gourmet, 55 East Main Street, Webster, MA
When: Saturday, April 3rd, 2-4 p.m.
Where: Booklovers' Gourmet, 55 East Main Street, Webster, MA
How: Just show up with your creation in hand! We will photograph entries.
Contact: Debra Ostrokolowicz tel:508-949-6232

Zea Mays Printmaking , Florence (Northampton), MA
Saturday, April 3, 2004 the Arts and Industry Building
Proceeds will help support an annual exhibition of artists’ books to be held in June 2004 and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts.
Those who create and exhibit edible books are welcome free of charge. Those who come for the viewing and eating are asked for a $5 donation.
If you are interested in creating a book for the tea, please RSVP to Liz Chalfin or Carrie Wilson.
If you are interested in viewing and eating books - please save the date and join us on April 3rd between 3 and 4 PM.
Contact:Liz Chaflin (413) 584-1783or Carrie Wilson 413-210-5652


The Roeper School , Michigan
1051 Oakland Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009
Contact: Pat Lawrence: stampaddy@comcast.net

Books2Eat @ Argyle-Zebra Gallery, St. Paul Minnesota
308 Prince street
Contact: Robyn Beth Priestley (651) 310-0026 Jeffrey Morrison - A-Z Gallery (651) 602-9105

New Jersey:
The Book Arts Roundtable - South Orange, NJ
Contact: Ellen

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New Hampshire:
New Hampshire Institute of Art Library- Manchester
Fuller Hall 156 Hanover Street
Thursday, April 1, 2004 5-7 pm
The New Hampshire Institute of Art Library is hosting its first edible book festival! Institute students, faculty, staff and invited guests are supplying the "edible books" to be exhibited. Creativity is unlimited but all entries must be edible and about books! Prizes will be awarded to selected books in different categories such as "most creative", etc. The books will be photographed and sent to the edible books website. Pieces of the books will be sold for a price that will be posted on the day of the festival with the proceeds to benefit the NHIA library image resource collection. Come and enjoy a tasty book!
Contact: tel 603-623-0313 Ted Randall at ext 547 , Stephanie Bergeron atext 546 , or Kathy Ritter at ext. 530

New York:
Center for Book Arts - New York - New York - See Pictures -
Thursday April 1, 6-10 p.m. at BAUHAUS 196 Orchard Street (one block south of Houston)
download call for artist and press release

Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, New York
Sunday April 4, 2-4pm at AIHA Library (website)
For more information call 518.463.4478 or email library@albanyinstitute.org

North Carolina:
Tate Street Coffee House and the UNCG English Department, Greensboro's first edible book festival
April 1st, 2004 Tate Street Coffee House, 1-5pm
Literary campus and community cooks are encouraged to create "edible books" for the festival.
Creativity is unlimited but all entries must be edible and about books!
Prizes will be awarded to selected books in different categories such as "Most Creative," "Most Literary," etc. The books will be photographed and posted on Tate Street Coffee House and edible books websites. Pieces of the books will be sold for a price that will be posted on the day of the festival with the proceeds to benefit local literacy programs.
To enter, simply bring your edible book to the coffee house by 1pm April 1st. Come and enjoy a tasty book with us!
Contact: Adrian Wurr (336-334-3564) or Ann Fitzmaurice-Russ (336-275-2754)

Denison University
Granville, OH 43023
William H. Doane Library 400 West Loop
Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. (Eat at 4:00)
Contact: Nedda Ahmed

Loganberry Books, Shaker Heights, OH 44120 See Pictures
Saturday April 3rd 1-4pm (eat at 2)
13015 Larchmere Blvd. tel: 216-795-9800
Contact:Harriett R. Logan

University of Cincinnati- Cincinnati, Ohio- See Pictures-
Read press reviews
Contact: Erika Taibl

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Waterworks- Tulsa, Oklahoma-
TBAG,Tulsa Book Arts Gang, will exhibit at WaterWorks,the Municipal Art Center
Show and Eat on Sunday 28 March starting at 2:00 pm
Contact: Ed Witterholt

University of North Texas Libraries, Denton, Texas-
Visit webpage for more information.
Contact: Mary Durio

The University of Texas, Austin, Texas-
Thursday April 1 st between 2-4 pm
We are located on the corner of MLK and Red River, at the UT Collections Deposit Library.
Visit webpage for more information
Contact: Shannon Phillips

The Natrona County Public Library Foundation, Casper, Wyoming 82601
April 1st
from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.in the historic ballroom of the Casper Elks Lodge at 108 East 7th Street.
Tickets for the event will be $10/person or $25/family of four. They can be purchased at the Natrona County Library, Blue Heron Books, Ralph’s Books, The Flower Gallery, and Metro Coffee Co.
Several “novel” gift baskets will be offered for bid during the evening’s silent auction.
Individuals or businesses can participate in a number of delicious ways:
-Create an Edible Book – Entry fee, including a ticket to the event, is $10. Deadline for entry is March 1, 2004.
-Sponsor our event – Sponsors are needed for this premier event to help offset expenses and support the Library Foundation’s worthwhile campaign.
-Create a “novel” basket –Local merchants are donating wonderful gift baskets centered on book themes.
All proceeds will go toward the Natrona County Public Library Foundation’s endowment campaign, “A Story That Never Ends”.
Contact: Heidi Walker
, Laurette Fisher at 262-3052 or the Natrona County Public Library at 237-4935

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